In the last five years there has been an increased interest in survivalism. Anyone looking at the world and the disintegrating state of the union that is/was the United States of America, has cause for concern.
I have been considering the fabulous interviews and front line reports released by courageous free-thinking patriots (see InfoWars and NaturalNews for two honest, informed surveys of our present condition). I have also been praying. If this is the beginning of THE final one world government, IF we see tyranny becoming the norm, what do we do?
It is always wise to remain informed and to be prepared. That said, Elohim has His own plans for the Earth that we are not privy to in their totality. We can do our best with limited time and resources, but no matter how much you prepare (store/buy) the most important preparations are spiritual and mental (see this awesome short article about being prepared in such a way-thanks Candi). Do not neglect your time in the Word in these moments.
Know that Our Father promised to write His Word on our hearts. The absolute hands down best survival guide that I can think of is the Scriptures. There are currently countless free resources with good translations on smart phones and the computer. Get to know the Word now and personally so that no one can twist it and deceive you (whether innocently or intentionally). If you see some freedoms going away you should prepare and consider that the liberal western world may encompass and try to overcome the christianity/christian principles we take for granted. As they say, the best defense is a good offense: His Word and continual prayer.
There is hope. Elohim will pour out His spirit, He will provide. He provided for the tribes of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness. Will we trust Him? Are we prepared to depend on Him? Pray to Him? Stop our grumbling? Please please please pray with me now. Know that Elohim has chosen you and your family for this time, for His purpose, and all He does is good (though we little understand it).
Consider this as well, while you are considering: please consider that there may not be a rapture before an upcoming tribulation. Here is a link to a video interview with a Pastor that explains where the pre-trib rapture idea came from and why he believes it is false. He sought the answer first in the word of the Messiah. This is sound. The Bible is a living Word and we are blessed to live in a time/age where we can easily own and read a copy in our own language. Remember, history repeats itself and historically the disciples and early believers were brutalized, tortured, killed.
The Messiah said (sources from the NIV version),
Matthew 5:10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you
and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven,
for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
John 15:20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’[b] If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.
21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.
Now, don't just accept this or read your Bible in snippets, go read these things in their full context! There is so much more!
From what I have seen, from very telling sources, even with civil unrest and socialist agendas unfolding, the United States is still not a bad place to be. Check out this fabulous video on Strategic Relocation (from which I derived my last comment) by security specialist and world traveler Joel Skousen. Be encouraged. Don't let lies and fear disable you. Pray always and see what Elohim calls you to do in everything. If you feel called to research more, I've heard that this is a good survival blog.
Below are some pictures from this last Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Each year Elohim shows me something new in His feasts. He showed me this year that there is great hope. Where things seem impossible and uncertain to us (like spending longer than a week in a tent with two little and a baby), He has it in His hands. I am telling you, it is no small miracle that He was with us during our short stay in the wilderness, watching over our children, and our spirits! He turns all trials to joy! He doesn't remove us from hardship. He sends us through it so that we can be better servants to Him (Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Daniel, Job etc.). I look forward to the work He is doing in all of us.
Daddy and Little Man |
Exploring with all the kids |
Mama and Zach during Sukkot |
Zoe and Elianna sending you our love |
I keep praying for you my beloved ones.